Pay subscription with dynobird app

Introduction dynobird app for alternative payment method in

Download and install dynobird app

Download from google play store with search dynobird app or click this link

Dynobird app in google play store

Open dynobird app

This is home screen of online database design tool. There are Menu for check account and subscription information. At this moment, we will focused in My subscription menu only. Select My Subscription menu to see information details about user subscription.

Welcome page dynobird app

My subscription

In this page shows all information about all subscription detail. If you are free user, you can see information like this. You must upgrade your subscription to unlock paid feature. Select and click upgrade button to continue this step.

Select subscription package

In this page shows available package for you. There are information about package details and price when you select package. If you want to continue to payment page, you must click PAY button.

Pay selected subscription

After you click pay button it will show google play payment method page. This payment is connected to your google payment information. You can pay using phone credit balance, google pay or anything wallet supported in your country.

Pay selected subscription

Success payment

After you click subscribe button google will connect to to finished your payment purchase.

Payment in processing between google and

After all payment success dynobird app will be redirect to subscription information like this.

Payment success and showing purchased package